Sensorial Materials are tools for development, Children build cognitive efficacy, and learn to order and classify impressions. They do this by touching, seeing, tasting, listening, and exploring the physical properties of their environment through the mediation of specially- designed materials.
Language is vital to human existence. The Montessori environment provides rich and precise language. "When the children come into the classroom at around three years of age, they are given in the simplest way possible the opportunity to enrich the language they have acquired during their small lifetime and to use it intelligently, with precision and beauty, becoming aware of its properties not by being taught, but by allowed to discover and explore these properties themselves. If not harassed, they will learn to write, and as a natural consequence to read, never remembering the day they could not write or read in the same way that they do not remember that once upon a time they could not walk." -Maria Montessori
Cultural Extensions:
Geography, History, Biology, Botany, Zoology, Art and Music are presented as extensions of the sensorial and language activities. Children learn about other cultures past and present, and this allows their innate respect and love for their environment to flourish, creating a sense of solidarity with the global human family and its habitat. Experiences with nature in conjunction with the materials in the environment inspire a reverence for all life. History is presented to the children through literature, art and an intelligent music program.
The mathematics materials help the child learn and understand mathematical concepts by working with concrete materials. This work provides the child with solid underpinnings for traditional mathematical principles, providing a structured scope for abstract reasoning.
Daily Preschool Schedule:
6:30am School Opens - Breakfast and free play time
8:00am Breakfast ends
8:30am - 11:30am Montessori Work Cycle 1
11:30am - 12:00pm Lunch
12:00pm - 1:00pm Indoor group activity (winter) / Outdoor playtime/group activity (fall and spring)
1:00pm - 3:00pm Pre-K Rest followed by Montessori Work Cycle 2 / Younger children nap
3:00pm - 6:00pm Extended Day - Indoor group activities and art (winter) / Outdoor playtime/group activity and art
(fall and spring)
6:00pm School Closes
- Music with Ms. Romayne on Mondays at 12:30pm
- Children are exposed daily to the multiple languages and cultures of our diverse staff, children and families.
- Children are offered walking field trips and field trips to recreational and educational off-site locations throughout the year.
- Year- round children take part in activities to nurture their growth and curiosity, such as caring for school pets, gardening and the raising and releasing of Monarch butterflies.
- Two musical performances open to families are held each year in the winter and spring.
- Graduating children take part in a Spring graduation ceremony with robes and diplomas.
- Care is offered to younger school age children in the summer.